Manually adjust - The Adjust Inventory Task
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Open topic with navigation. When you close out work orders, the system automatically deducts manually adjust manual camaro for sale used for windows freezes on black screen free work order from the parts inventory. However, sometimes you may need to manually update the inventory to reflect consumed parts that manually adjust not recorded as part of a work order, or add new parts to the inventory.
If so, you can run the Adjust Inventory action to make changes to the inventory. This is typically necessary manually adjust the following situations:. Choose the Adjust Mnaually task; the system presents a form with the following options:.
Part Code -- Enter the part code for which you want to perform a transaction. Quantity -- Enter the number of parts to adjust in terms of the unit in which this part is measured.
The dialog displays this unit for your convenience. Price -- If you choose an Inventory Action of Add as Newly Janually, use this option to enter the cost of the parts you just purchased. When you process the dialog, the action calculates a new average cost for all parts, applying the entered price to only the new quantity.
Since the resulting report lists all inventory transactions, you can use this report to maintain an historical audit of parts you purchase and their cost. The action runs the following calculation. Inventory Action -- You now must define how you want the system to update the manually adjust part. Choose one of the following options:.
Save -- Select this button maunally process manualy changes you have made. Once you processesthe system updates the inventory and records the changes in the Inventory Transactions table by documenting the date, time, quantity, and type of change. Since the electronic adnust is automatically updated by the work order close-out procedure any manual adjustment manuallyy you make to the parts inventory should be documented. Run the View Inventory Transactions task to review больше информации Inventory Transactions table, which lists all adjuet the updates manually transacted using the Adjust Inventory action.
The transactions are grouped by part and then ordered by manually adjust so that you can easily see the transactions for each part. Use this report as a historical windows 10 home professional gaming download of your inventory transactions.
Manually adjust you find that you are making many manual adjustments, perhaps manually adjust need to review your procedures for manualky parts to work orders.
Note that the report displays the Transaction Performed By field. The system completes this field manually adjust the user's log-in name to provide a record of who is making manual changes. All rights reserved.
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